Organisational Health/Engagement & Effectiveness
To really succeed and flourish in today’s pressurised work environment, more than ever it is essential for an organisation to have a clear strategy and plan for a healthy, engaged and effective business. Our expertise comes from delivering many strategies for businesses of all size, globally.
Long term success is almost impossible to achieve and sustain without such a clear plan and strategy, a fact evidenced by all global consulting firms.
Services include:
A total organisational review (top down/bottom up) to understand:
Is your organisation truly effective?
What is and is not working?
Where and what do we need to change and improve?
How is your Leadership impacting your business?
What review and measurement processes you have in place and are these working?
A review of your Digital strategy and activities/programs.
A review of your Sales and Marketing strategies and activities/programs.
A review of your ‘People’ strategy including Internal Communications; Training; Career Development; Engagement and Reward/Recognition.
Detailed report and recommendations.
Assistance with implementation of our recommendations.
Non-Executive role short/medium term would also be considered.